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Best of all

Use this flow to generate multiple alternatives and pick the best one.

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API Reference


type: string

Criteria to evaluate the responses and pick the best one.


type: FlowDefinition[]

Array of flows to evaluate.


import { bestOfAll } from 'flows-ai/flows'
const bestOfFlow = bestOfAll({
criteria: 'Pick the response that is most helpful and concise',
input: [
agent: 'responseAgent',
input: 'Generate response version 1'
agent: 'responseAgent',
input: 'Generate response version 2'
12 collapsed lines
import { agent, execute } from 'flows-ai'
const responseAgent = agent({
model: openai('gpt-4o'),
system: 'You are consumer relations specialist...',
execute(bestOfFlow, {
agents: {