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For each

Use this flow to process a collection of items.

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API Reference


type: ZodTypeAny | string

Zod schema that describes each item in the collection to process. For simple strings, you can also pass a string to describe the item.


type: FlowDefinition

Flow definition to execute for each item.


import { forEach, sequence } from 'flows-ai/flows'
const processGithubIssuesFlow = sequence([
agent: 'githubAgent',
input: 'Go to Github and get the top 3 most popular issues and number of open issues.',
item: z.object({
issue: z.string().describe('The single issue title'),
openIssues: z.number().describe('The number of total open issues'),
input: {
agent: 'responseAgent',
input: 'Send an email to the project maintainer.',
21 collapsed lines
import { agent, execute } from 'flows-ai'
const githubAgent = agent({
model: openai('gpt-4o'),
system: 'You are a github crawler...',
const responseAgent = agent({
model: openai('gpt-4o'),
system: 'You are responsible for summarizing issues on github...',
execute(processGithubIssuesFlow, {
agents: {